In 1904 France and Spain secretly partitioned the Moroccan Sultanate, with Spain later creating Spanish Morocco from its portion. French Morocco became a colony of France under the Treaty of Fez. A protectorate was formally established 1912, which lasted, until Moroccan independence on March 2,1956. French Moroccan territory consisted of the area between Fez and Rabat south to Mogador.

Morocco regained its independence in 1956, and, since then, the Alaouite dynasty has reasserted its rule over the country. King Hassan II succeeded his father King Mohammed V in 1961.

Order of Hafiz or Hafidien 1910, abolished 1913
Ouissam Alaouite or Order of the House of Alaouite Cherifiennes 1913 to Current
Dahir Medal of Satisfaction of the Order Ouissam Alaouite
Order of Military Merit Cherifienne 1910
Medal of Civil Merit Cherifienne 1924
Medal of Honor for Customs
Medal for Penitentiary Administration
Medal of Honor for Posts and Telegraphs
Medal of Honor of the Police Cherifienne 1928 and 1936
Order of Sahara Merit Knight (1958)
Medal for Penitentiary Service 1931
Medal for Water & Forests
Medal of Honor for Agriculture
Morocco Campaign Commemorative Medal (1909)
Colonial Medal
Medal of Honor for Public Education (2nd Version)
Medal of National Recognition
North Africa Commemorative Medal
Commemorative Medal of Security Operations and Maintenance of Order

Order of Hafidien (1910 to 1913)
Sultan Mohamed Moulay-Hafid established the order, also known as the Order of Protection, to honor exceptional civil and military service. It was awarded in five classes (Grand Cross, Grand Officer, Commander, Officer, and Knight). The insignia is a six-pointed star positioned over six rays. The deep red enamel center reads, MAJESTY HAFIDIEN. The ribbon is red with white edge stripes.

Order of Hafidien Commander and Knight Grades

Order of the Alaouite Dynasty (1913 to Present)
Sultan Moulay Youssef established this order on January 11, 1913, replacing the Order of Ouissam Hafidien. It became the premier Order of Morocco, awarded in five classes (Grand Cross, Grand Officer, Commander, Officer, and Knight) for recognition of exceptional civil and military accomplishments. The original ribbon was solid orange and modified in 1934 to add two white stripes.

Order of the Alaouite Dynasty Type 1 Commander and Officer and Transitional Knight Badge with First Type Solid Orange Ribbon (1913-1934)

Order of the Alaouite Dynasty Type 2 Grand Cross and Commander

Order of the Alaouite Dynasty Plaque and Officer

The Dahir Medal of Satisfaction, Cherifien Order of Military Merit 2ND Type Ribbon and Order of Civil Merit

Medal for Customs Service, Medal for Penitentiary Administration and Medal for Posts & Telecommunication Services

Police Medals of Honor Cherifien 1928 and 1936 Versions

Order of Sahara Merit Commander

Order of Sahara Merit Knight (1958) Medal for Penitentiary Service 1931, Medal for Water & Forests and Medal of Honor for Agriculture (2nd Version)

Morocco Campaign Commemorative Medal (1909), Colonial Medal and Medal of Honor for Public Education (2nd Version)

Medal of National Recognition, North Africa Commemorative Medal and Commemorative Medal of Security Operations and Maintenance of Order

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